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  • 廠商性質:生產廠家
  • 更新時間:2024-08-19
  • 訪  問  量:1238



ZJC-150KV computer controlled voltage breakdown tester
One, application range:

ZJC-150KV is mainly applied to the test of power frequency voltage breakdown of solid insulating materials such as wire sleeve, resin and rubber, impregnated fiber products, mica and its products, plastic, film composite products, ceramics and glass, etc., which can be used in the test of power frequency voltage or DC voltage.
Two, meet the standard:

1, GB1408.1-2006 "electrical strength test method for insulation materials"
2、GB1408.2-2006《絕緣材料電氣強度試驗方法 ,第2部分:對應用直流電壓試驗的附加要求》
2, "GB1408.2-2006 electrical strength of insulating materials test methods, part second: Additional requirements for the application of DC voltage test"
3, GB/T1695-2005 "vulcanized rubber power frequency breakdown voltage strength and resistance to voltage measurement method"
4, GB/T3333 cable paper power frequency voltage breakdown test method
5、HG/T 3330絕緣漆漆膜擊穿強度測定法
5, HG/T 3330 insulating paint film breakdown strength test method
6、GB12656 電容器紙工頻電壓擊穿試驗方法
6, GB12656 capacitor paper power frequency voltage breakdown test method
7、ASTM D149《固體電絕緣材料工業電源頻率下的介電擊穿電壓和介電強度的試驗方法》
7, D149 ASTM "test method for dielectric breakdown voltage and dielectric strength of the dielectric breakdown voltage at the industrial power supply frequency of the solid electrical insulation material"
Three, the main technical indicators:

1、輸入電壓: AC220V   50Hz ;
1, input voltage: AC220V 50Hz;
2、輸出電壓: AC:0~150kV; DC:0~150kV;
2, output voltage: AC:0 ~ 150kV ~ 150kV; DC:0;
3, output power: 15kVA;
5、測量誤差: ≤ 5%;
5, the measurement error is less than 5%;
6, boost rate: 1kV/s ~ 3kV/s;
7、耐壓時間: 0~4H;
7, pressure time: 0 ~ 4H;
8、漏電流 : 1~30 mA可由計算機軟件自由進行設定;
8, the leakage current: 1 ~ 30 mA can be set free by computer software;
9, power: AC 220V + 10% single-phase AC voltage and frequency of 50Hz 1%;
10、試驗環境溫度: 15 ~ 30℃,相對濕度:0~85%能夠穩定運行;
10, test environment temperature: 15 ~ 30, relative humidity: 0 ~ 85% can be stable operation;
11、外形尺寸長×寬×高:1980mm×1220 mm×1750mm;
11, the shape of the size of a long x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x;
12, equipment weight: 350Kg;
13, grounding requires that the instrument need to be alone, the ground attached to the national standard requirements, metal rods deep underground at least 1.5 meters below;
Four, performance characteristics:

1, high voltage transformer mainly produces the sample required for the DC voltage;
2, the regulator is used to adjust the input voltage of the boost transformer to generate the input voltage required by the high voltage;
3, voltage measurement is mainly from the measurement of high voltage transformer, high voltage transformer measurement and high voltage side is linear;
4, the discharge system in the test after the discharge, so as to avoid the discharge of human body damage;
Five, computer system and software package:

1, testing software is the latest research and development of our company is powerful, simple operation, display and intuitive test software system.
2, the use of computer control through the man-machine dialogue, the completion of the insulation medium power frequency voltage breakdown, power frequency withstand voltage test.
3, the test process can be drawn from the test curve, the curve can be a variety of color overlay contrast, local amplification, a section of the curve can be amplified in any region;
4, can be used to edit and modify the test data, flexible application;
5, test conditions and test results and other data can be automatically stored;
6, the test report format is flexible, suitable for different needs of different users;
7, can be used for a set of test data in the effective or not for the selection of human;
8, test results data can be imported into WORD, EXECL document editing;
Six, safety instructions:

1, the dielectric strength of the instrument equipment to install a separate ground wire. Earth wire, mainly to reduce the sample breakdown of the strong electromagnetic interference around the. Can also avoid control computer control.
2, the dielectric strength of the instrument and equipment of the circuit with a number of protective measures, mainly include: over current protection, loss of voltage protection, leakage protection, short circuit protection, DC test discharge alarm, etc..
3, safety protection:
(1) the threshold level protection: do not close the door, even though the power point experiment, the device has no any response, the software is: the safety door is not closed.
(2) the voltage to zero protection: if the experimental process, the power, the next boot, will automatically return to zero, to ensure that the initial voltage is zero
(3) termination voltage protection: it can be set by the software to terminate the voltage, to ensure that in the process of the rise in the event of abnormal rise to the specified voltage, automatic termination and return to zero
(4) high voltage mechanical limit: if the software system is out of control, the voltage continues to rise, to the high voltage limit automatically after the breakdown of the non stop, through the flow protection device to collect data to ensure that the voltage automatically to zero with high pressure indicator, through the observation of the status of the test, to ensure the good operation of equipment, equipment to keep a good run, the growth of the use of life in the experiment, if the sample has a smell or smoke phenomenon, can be excluded through exhaust system.
(5) independent grounding protection
(6) short circuit protection
(7) software error protection
(8) leakage protection
(9) the end of the experiment is to end the discharge protection



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  • 聯系人:石磊
  • 地址:北京市房山區經濟技術開發區1號
  • 郵箱:zhsdyq@163.com
  • 傳真:86-010-80224846


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